The Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority (GACRAA) is soliciting Letters of Interest from firms interested in leasing obtaining, placing, operating and maintaining a single book vending machine in the secured passenger lounge of the Gainesville Regional Airport. The purpose of the concession would be to provide new fiction and non-fiction books of general interest to travelers with some books that highlight state and local history and points of interest, available at reasonable prices. The concession would comply with the
Airport’s Advertising, Display and Product Standards and the terms of a written Concession Agreement to be negotiated between the parties. This successful Concessionaire would in no way be granted an exclusive right to sell books, printed materials or any other items at the airport. Nothing in the Agreement would preclude local libraries or others to donate used books and printed materials for the enjoyment of airport travelers at the discretion of GACRAA.
The RFI will remain open until 4:30 p.m. on March 5, 2025. Letters of Interest and supporting documents may be submitted via e-mail to Ms. Lynn Noffsinger, Contracts Administrator at or delivered to the Authority’s Administrative Office, Gainesville Regional Airport, Attn: Lynn Noffsinger, 3880 N.E. 39th Avenue, Suite A, Gainesville, FL 32609.
Submissions received after 4:30 p.m. on March 5, 2025. will not be considered. Envelopes should be clearly marked RFI #25-001, “LOI Regarding Terminal Book Vending Concession”. The official clock is located in the Authority’s Administrative Office.
GACRAA operates a commercial airline terminal serving approximately 575,000 passengers annually (outbound + inbound). GNV is served by two major airlines serving four major hub airports. The commercial terminal includes a food, beverage and sundry sales vendor operating from three separate locations. The vendor is authorized and does sell some books and periodicals. Information about the Gainesville Regional Airport can be found at The GACRAA makes no warranties, either express or implied as to the accuracy of any information upon which the Proposer has based its proposal. All Proposers are expected to do their own proper due diligence in collecting information upon which to base their proposal, including visiting the concession site.
Project Funding and Agreement Terms
A book Vending Concession Agreement (Agreement) shall be negotiated between the parties with the following minimum requirements: All costs related to obtaining, placing, operating and maintaining the book vending machine and the book concession shall be borne by the Proposer. GACRAA has preselected a location for placement of the book vending machine. Any alternate location must be approved in writing by GACRAA. GACRAA must approve all design plans and/ product information related to the book vending machine, including machine size, aesthetics and signage. GACRAA shall provide a 110V electric power outlet and electric power for reasonable power demands as determined by the Authority. The Proposer shall be responsible for any costs related to installing and providing data/communications service and equipment necessary to facilitate customer credit card transactions. All work shall be as approved by GACRAA. The Proposer shall have access to GACRAA’s public wi-fi, however GACRAA shall have no obligation to provide continuous wi-fi service. The rental amount shall generally be a percentage of gross sales as negotiated between the parties. The proposed Agreement term shall be for a period three years with a three-year renewal option at the mutual agreement of the parties. Additional renewals may be negotiated between the parties up to a maximum of ten years. The book vending machine shall be maintained by the Concessionaire in a clean, aesthetically pleasing and operable condition as determined by GACRAA. The price for each item must be clearly displayed to the purchaser before beginning the transaction. The Concessionaire shall provide liability insurance and indemnify GACRAA from liability to the satisfaction of GACRAA. The Concessionaire shall abide by the terms of GACRAA’s Advertising, Display and Advertising Standards (copy attached) and GACRAA’s Airport Security Plan. This will require those restocking the machine to pass the required background check and successfully qualify for an airport issued security badge. Book selling gross revenues shall be reported to GACRAA and the corresponding concession fee shall be reported and remitted to GACRAA at least quarterly. Reported gross revenues shall be net of Florida sales tax but shall include all revenue generated from the concession with no other deductions. Additional terms shall be as required by GACRAA and negotiated between the parties.
Submission Requirements
Letter of Interest and Security
All interested Proposers shall submit a Letter of Interest on Company’s letterhead signed by a Principal of the Company along with a $500.00 (five hundred and 00/100 dollars) Certified Check or Cashier’s Check as a good faith security deposit toward timely negotiation and execution of an Agreement with GACRAA. Upon selection of the favored Proposer, the security deposit of those proposer’s not selected shall be returned without interest. Should the selected Proposer choose not to enter into a good faith negotiation with GACRAA, the Proposer shall forfeit the security as liquidated damages, at the discretion of GACRAA.
The Letter of Interest should be concise and address the following points only in as much detail as is necessary:
1. Name and address of Proposer’s company.
2. Any relevant business partners and the nature of their relationship to the Book Vending Concession and the Proposer.
3. The general nature and scope of the Company’s existing business enterprises, experience with retail book sales and list of common book supply sources.
4. Proposer’s basic plan (including schedule) for obtaining and placing the book vending machine. Proposed machine make, model, photos and technical specifications, including dimensions and electrical information should be provided.
5. Proposer’s brief plan (including schedule) for maintaining and refreshing the stock of books.
GACRAA is not offering on-site storage for books or labor to replenish the machine. GACRAA will not provide security escort of those restocking or servicing the machine. Proposer’s badged, delivery personnel will be granted free access to available parking in the terminal courier/delivery lot or free parking in any public parking lot by obtaining validation from Airport Administration at the time of delivery. Other parking accommodations shall be considered at the discretion of GACRAA. Proposers badged personnel may be granted escort privileges to escort one maintenance person for periodic repair or preventive maintenance on the vending machine in accordance with TSA requirements. Such personnel shall be subject to TSA screening. The number of allowable badges and those having escort privileges shall be as determined by GACRAA.
6. Include the maximum, estimated dollar amount that Proposer anticipates investing in the vending machine and inventory and identify the source of available funds (i.e., commercial bank loan, company cash account, identified investor cash, etc.). Subsequent details may be requested by GACRAA.
7. CLEARLY NOTE AND INCLUDE THE PERCENTAGE OF GROSS REVENUES PROPOSED TO BE PAID TO GACRAA. This amount is subject to the further negotiation and approval between the parties and is anticipated to be paid at least quarterly.
NOTE: GACRAA’s selection shall not necessarily be based on the highest concession fee to be realized by GACRAA but on which proposal GACRAA determines to be in its best interest and offers the most value to the traveling public.
8. List any significant exceptions to the terms listed in this Request for Letters of Interest. Please be specific.
Additional Conditions:
- All costs associated with preparation and submittal of the Letter of Interest shall be the responsibility of the Proposer and at Proposer’s risk.
- All submissions and any related correspondence are considered public record and subject to disclosure in accordance with Florida law.
The Authority will review all submissions to determine the desirability of moving forward with a contract, request more detailed information, or arrange interviews with one or more Proposers. GACRAA reserves the right to reject any or all submissions received in response to this Request for Letters of Interest or to make any award or engage in any contract determined to be in the best interest of GACRAA.